Daily Catholic Holy Mass live online
If you want to watch the online broadcast of the Holy Mass click in the church name in the calendar below.
For Apple Safari browser users: if you do not see the Holy Mass list, but you can see the ‘I’m not a robot’ checkbox, we suggest changing your browser to Chrome. We have reported this problem to Apple and we are waiting for solution.
Here in Australia we don’t have such facilities. This is a blessing!
Thank you for all that you have done to enable folks to attend a live Mass. Once our parish closed all masses I cannot tell you how much I fretted to find a live mass and my local time it would be said. You have done the work and I am specifically thankful for the research and time you have input to complete this wonderful project!
I agree! Thank you so much. I would be happy to contribute financially to support this wonderful service for us around the world. I am grateful.
I’m wondering if it is possible this is updated with which are still online or if they have changed schedules with the present circumstances happening? Thank you.
Sad we can’t have the Holy Mass right now but having Mass online is a wonderful opportunity
Wonderful opportunity.
Don you have a list of masses which are celebrated in Spanish?
Here you can find some Holy Masses in Spanish (CET Time Zone):
With all churches ordered to close today due to the COVID-19, hopefully somewhere there will be Mass celebrated online. Also never thought of doing an Act of Spiritual Communion. What a wonderful idea. This prayer should be placed on every Catholic Church Website etc.
Are the times posted corresponding to the local church time zone?
It should be, but time to time in certain Parishes Mass start at different time than is written in schedule on Parish website. Sometimes Holy Mass stream does not start from unknown reasons. This problem intensifies now during coronavirus epidemic.
Thank you for your work in making the Mass available online. Are the masses recorded and accessible for replay? I want to recommend a homily I heard in a mass to family members to hear.
Consider doing an Act of Spiritual Communion:
My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.
God bless your website during this time in the Church when many cannot get to Mass due to COVID-19.
Are the times listed above the times in that time particular time zone the mass is in or does it correlate to the time in the ongoing time on the upper right hand corner?
It should be, but time to time in certain parishes Mass start at different time than is written in schedule.
They are in your time zone. See the bottom of the table. It tells the time zone you’re on
Thank you Father Michael for what you are doing. I was deeply moved to see the adoration and to know that we are not separated but united in the Spirit. Truly this is a time to “worship Him in Spirit and in Truth”. God bless you and keep you in good health
I must be doing something wrong. At 0900, I went through the list for that time and most appeared to be recorded since I could forward through the Mass. Can you help me? Thanks so much for this information.
Sometimes in certain parishes Mass start at different time than is written in schedule.
Any Vietnamese mass online live streaming ? Thank you.
I like to see Masses from all over the World Thank you for this Heavenly website.
Thank you for the Holy Mass at The Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady Immaculate & St Thomas of Canterbury, UK.
Uthappa and family, India
Thanks ever so much for this wonderful gift in this time of need. We’ll be watching live from the tiny island of Mauritius also hit by the pandemic virus. God bless!
Thank. You
Tomorrow is Sunday. Information about Masses tomorrow would be invaluable. Could we not skip the ‘thank you’s, including this one, and provide some really useful information?
Dear Chris, our Holly Mass calendar is updated 24/7, please back here tomorrow to Sunday Mass watching. God Bless you!
Much thanks for the live streaming of the Catholic Mass. A Spiritual Communion prayer to unite oneself spiritually in the Holy Eucharist is of great benefit.
We will now be able to attend Mass in many countries and churches, Truly a Universal Church. Thank You
Praise be Jesus Christ for this wonderful resource in these dark days! Bless you for doing this for us.
God reward you!
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of goof will. I am grateful!
Thank you so much for sharing your site. It is recommended by our Parish. Grace be with you!
Very grateful for this service, especially now that we can’t access Mass physically because of the coronavirus pandemic. Plus the times are so flexible. I have checked the calendar and found that Sunday masses are available almost every hour! Of course it can’t substitute for physical reception of Our Lord in holy communion but still. Thanks again.