Holy Masses live online

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Here you can find links to Holy Masses online from different parishes all around the world.

When you enter the chosen page you will see the calendar with the Catholic Holy Masses live online.
Click in the chosen hour when you want to see the Holy Mass online.

Holy Mass online in English

The Calendar of the Holy Masses

If you use Google calendar you may add the Holy Mass stream to your own calendar.

If you want to celebrate the Holy Mass now click on the link “Watch online Holy Mass.” and the broadcast website opens automatically. Then you can watch the Holy Mass live online.

This website was created for the sick, home bound and for those who, due to other important reasons, could not go to Mass; or those who, due to their locations, do not have Churches to go to. We hope that our website will help our sisters and brothers in faith to celebrate the Holy Mass live online wherever they are.

Please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of this website.

May God Bless You,

Volunteers of Mass-online.org



195 Responses to Holy Masses live online

  1. ONEOFUS.org says:

    Thank you very much from Lohmar, Germany- following the Holy Mass in English is such a heavenly offer. Greetings from “Luz de Maria” Hard times to come – we are in need of the help of Jesus and Mary in the new pandemic and further events to come and have to look after our brothers and sisters, to help as much as possible.

  2. Angelique says:

    I am most grateful to have access to The Church in modern times. Especially since I am not always able to attend Mass at my parish. The Lord hears and answers our prayers.

    Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.

  3. Nsubuga Rogers Bro says:

    Thanks for this great evangelism of the Gospel by giving us an opportunity to attend Mass on line any time and probably any part of the world where some Governments have not switched off the Internet. God bless this Mission abundantly. Thanks also to all the donors who make this possible. Greetings from Uganda.

  4. Marlene Stahl says:

    Thanks very much for this wonderful service. I appreciate it and attend Mass all over the world from my home.

  5. Melvin Gomez says:

    Me interesa estar en comunión con Dios.

  6. Gabriel says:

    Good and blessed Sunday morning, dear Mass-online.org software volunteers of Saint John Paul II’s country!

    Highly appreciative of your extending this Godsend opportunity of the internet era to those of us who came to depend on it, and there are many and more of us with every passing year, as we advance in age, and in this [post]-Covid world, would naturally love to contribute what we find (at least myself and four fellow catholic friends) to be our part for availing ourselves of it.

    However, the present financial instrument, with its intrusive pre transaction requirements and its self-serving post transaction practices hardly appears to be an encouraging venue for doing so.

    While we are at it, wouldn’t it be also possible to join in at least those of the transmission participating parishes’ accounts that do have a bank/ credit card accepting mechanism in place? It’d render it all so much handier, and fairer, although more financially deprived locations are the ones in more need of such “modern means of collection.”

    Just a thought, that is. As a US resident, I happen to be aware of how challenging such proposition may end up being, legally, financially, digitally…

    Still God bless and dziękuję for making this happen for us all out here!

    • admin says:

      We make every effort to ensure that our website and applications can be helpful on the way to God. We are grateful for every donation. Not all types of support are currently available due to limitations in payment methods. Thank you for all your help and donations, which are available at https://mass-online.org/donate/

      God bless you, Gabriel!

  7. Peter reid says:

    Enjoyed the mass

  8. Yohana Ogom says:

    Happy days of the glorious saints, martyrs and to all the people praying endlessly around the beautiful earth of God. Amen.

  9. Heather Rice says:

    Looking for live streams of mass online for elderly mother who cannot get out.

  10. Miyoko Goto says:

    Some countries have strict rules on the foreign visitors to the local masses. I’m glad to have the free Sunday mass video available to watch for participating the church activity. If I have the EWTN cable program available at my accommodation, I could check that one. There are so many Internet pages for the mass shows around the world. Thank you very much for the mass live at your website.

  11. Catherine Buchner says:

    I am so happy to find this website. I have not been out since March 19 22019 due to Covid and I live in an assisted living facility in palm Beach Florida God Bless

    • Suzanne Phillips says:

      I can relate to your isolation. I have also been isolated and it has become difficult to be a happy camper:) We will soon be safe enough to go out again. God Bless You. I will pray for you and all isolated people at mass online in about 1/2 hour from now. Thinking of you and wishing you well and a day at the beach:)

  12. Isdore uche says:

    God bless you all

  13. Sue DiStefano says:

    Thank you for listing the livestream Masses. You do a good job with the site and as you can see it means a lot to many folks here. I hope you have recovered well from the ankle surgery

  14. Robert U says:

    Spine injuries through the years now wake me throughout the night. Finding your gift of Mass, anytime night or day, I have found comfort, and a friend. Actually attending Masses in Lagos, or Malaysia, the Philippines in such beautiful churches, let alone Ireland, the UK, AbuDabi, all around the world, every half hour, Christ”s death and resurrection is celebrated. Praise God, and thank you for this wonderful gift.

    • Jo Ann Vasta says:

      Robert, I can’t agree with you more. Having recently suffered a compression spine fracture, I too find myself resting a lot. This website is a lifesaver in spreading the gospel and bringing us all together in the global church. I too attend the Masses from around the world, Australia, Ghana, Africa, Ireland, and more. The chart is so helpful in listing the Masses according to our local time and allowing us to set our language to English. Amazing church we have. Love the strong faith and singing from Lashibi, Ghana. Thank you for sharing the schedule and for drawing the virtual congregation together.

    • Suzanne Phillips says:

      I also watch Mass all over the world! Love it. May God Bless You and Take Care of You, Amen

  15. Murasanyi Augustine says:

    I want to pray always

  16. Wm Jon Mannlein says:

    Thank You God for Shelter, Health and clean Living! Love And World Peace to all.

  17. Bruce Johnsen says:

    May God richly bless you for this grace-filled service you provide for me and so many others.

  18. Zishan Ladha says:

    God bless you.

  19. Marlene Stahl says:

    Thank you for offering this service during this time of the pandemic.

  20. Wm Mannlein says:

    Holy Peace Christmas 2021

  21. Ann Berkheimer says:

    Hail Mary

  22. Rebecca says:

    Thanks to those praying for the ill or suffering. I took a fall and broke both ankles. One in 3 places!

    Online live Mass is a God-send, and so are those praying for the relief of those suffering.

    There is another surgery coming up the first part of December. I am going totally stir-crazy!

    God’s blessings over you all!

    • Barbara A says:

      Rebecca, you’re not alone. November, 2021 I fell and fractured my pelvis in 4 places. Then June, 2022 I fell again, and this time I broke my hip in one of those same 4 places.
      I honestly don’t know if I could have kept my sanity without the masses online.
      Each morning I go off to Knock Ireland, or Abu Dhabi in the UAE, or anyplace in Canada, or Australia or wherever suits my fancy.

      Hang in there,

  23. Patricia Mary says:

    I needed the Mass of the Ages, and low and behold I found Sacred Heart, Limerick.
    Thank you Oh merciful God.

  24. John George says:

    We are in November and the time for giving is coming. Again , I like to remind bretheren to give [to the Altar] where we are nourished. Parish priests have a lot of expenses with regards to the upkeep of the altar which includes all the necessary payments needed for full time and part-time workers. The pandemic has the propensity to make us forget to ‘give’ to the altar. And not often are we reminded that the coffers are going down.
    May we be blessed in Giving to the Altar

  25. Carmela Chetcuti says:

    Thank you for providing this. I nearly died from Covid and having recovered now suffer long term effects. Since I was in hospital and rehab for do long I was blessed to go to Mass through your website. God bless you a thousand fold!!

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