Daily Holy Mass live online

Daily Catholic Holy Mass live online

If you want to watch the online broadcast of the Holy Mass click in the church name in the calendar below.

For Apple Safari browser users: if you do not see the Holy Mass list, but you can see the ‘I’m not a robot’ checkbox, we suggest changing your browser to Chrome. We have reported this problem to Apple and we are waiting for solution.

566 Responses to Daily Holy Mass live online

  1. Zishan Ladha says:

    God bless you.

  2. Teresa says:

    A gracious and heartfelt thank you to all involved in making this website available and possible on a daily basis. You will be remembered in my thoughts and prayers always, together with all who seek the precious closeness of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. My prayers are for Peace and Love throughout the world, especially for the poor and hungry, the sick, the weak and down trodden, the orphans, innocent victims of war, the homeless, abused women and children, and for all families. And lastly, I ask for prayers for my family, children and grandchildren, that the Lord will keep us close to his heart and safe from all evil and danger, and grant us peace and mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord… AMEN ❤️

  3. Michael says:

    I’m Michael..

    Please brothers and sisters pray for me to overcome indebtedness and addiction..peace in my Marriage and finance.. AMEN

  4. Henriette says:

    You can do this Anna. Praying for you from Sweden. You keep taking that one correct step, one step at a time and see where you shall be in a month’s time. Courage to you. Just one correct step at a time. Blessings.

  5. Vale says:

    THANK YOU for this Holy Masses online! Lets spread the word about this website!I live in Italy and its a joy to see holy Masses online, each hour in the world there is the Holy Mass Miracle and we can be always connected both in our Masses in our cities but also in all the whole world connected day and night! THANK YOU, God Bless you and you all!

  6. anna says:

    Can i please ask for prayers? I have chronic pain due to paraplegia and became addicted to my painkillers, i went to mass for the first time in a while on sunday and i was brought to tears, i’m finally able to stop, i stopped it today, i feel scared but i want to try and live like Jesus did. 1 Corinthians 10:13, god bless

  7. Michael C. says:

    Thanks be Jesus left the 99 to go find the lost one. Glory to God in the highest.

  8. Randall says:

    May the Lord bless us all and bring peace to this troubled world.


    I thank God for being able to attend mass today as I was unable to get to church today due to being ill

    A great website as I live in the UK.

  10. Joseph KJ says:

    Praise the Lord.
    I could attend the mass online today. May God bless the parish.
    Thank you.

  11. Josephine Gaglio says:

    Thank you for the creators and maintainers of this site. It was a Godsend during covid in 2020 when we were locked in our homes and churches were closed. I still love watching Mass from different parts of the world to remind me that we are all brothers and sisters of the one true Universal Church.

  12. Peter Kirwan says:

    God bless all who assist in providing Holy Mass daily.
    Someone suggested confession which I would welcome with Great humility.

  13. Mark says:

    Thank you for maintaining this website.

  14. Bernard says:

    Sick in the house but I was able to join live Mass today from Ghana. Long live the catholic Church

  15. Diana says:

    It was such a blessing for me to attend mass on line today since I am sick. May God bless all who have made this service possible.

  16. T J F says:

    I think God to be able to attend mass in Dioc.s & Countries for they give me a true sense of the Universality of the Church. I would hope that General Absolution be made more public for the people of God. Because our Confessional services are emptying out & the people are hungry for Absolution but not the Box! Possibly we need to look back on how the people responded to General Absolution packing the church’s & now when told to approach the Priest the majority leave or never returned to such a service. Does the Magisterium listen to the people or just ignore them. Some thing to ponder when the People of God Speak to the Church but are not heard by them. Why? I don’t know but it’s a struggle for many to understand. May God hear the prayers of His People in their need!

  17. Michael Deyebge says:

    The holy mass

  18. Patricia Agyepong says:

    I thank God for the online holy mass that we are watching.God bless those who made it possible.

  19. Maureen Henry says:

    Thank u for having daily mass. For the last 3 years I haven’t been able to attend mass and now I can watch it daily. Each day I offer my mass for family and friends and especially for my 14 grandchildren living in the world as it it today Pray for Jesus to come to us to bring peace to the world . Amen

  20. Jack Simari says:

    I agree. It really helped when my brother and father were sick on a Sunday.

  21. Rev Fr Luis R Rodriguez says:

    Dear friends in Christ

  22. Alexander says:

    God bless you for this from Nigeria

  23. Aging Mercy says:

    Am so happy to have mass online.

  24. Gabika says:

    Thank you for this website. God bless from Slovakia.

  25. Bernie Onuoha says:

    I only discovered this website last month and am grateful for that. I now look forward to attending mass daily after I wake up in addition to my other morning routines. Let us know how we can help to keep this program going. Thanks a bunch and Blessings to all who make these masses possible.

    • admin says:

      We are glad that our website and applications can be helpful on the way to Jesus. We are grateful for every donation – on https://mass-online.org/donate/ God bless you!

      • Ellen says:

        I occasionally wake at 4am and would like to attend Mass at that time, could we have more celebrations of the Holy Mass during the night please?

        • admin says:

          We try to have Masses at all hours of the day and night from Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and America. They are not evenly spread out over that time, but we try to find at least one Mass at every hour.

  26. Annastasia Mathias says:

    Jesus is this love for us, Emmanuel

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