Daily Holy Mass live online

Daily Catholic Holy Mass live online

If you want to watch the online broadcast of the Holy Mass click in the church name in the calendar below.

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582 Responses to Daily Holy Mass live online

  1. Martin Gaspar says:

    I amd from Singapore. I had the honor of participating in the holy mass on-line by the Hague, Netherlands.
    Lovely mass by 2 wonderful priests.

    Thank you Very much and God Bless

    Martin Gaspar

  2. Chuks says:

    I’m happy I could join the 8:00 mass in Cambridge parish Uk, I’m from Nigeria, still going through covid and financial crisis as a student. I pray the God bless and grant our heart desires oh lord.

  3. Francisco Portista says:

    Eete é um site maravilhoso. Só gostaria que tivesse missas em outras línguas também.

    This is a wonderful website. I only wish that it had Masses in other languages too (especially Portuguese!).

  4. David James Michael Lench says:

    Many thanks for the enthralling sermon from St Aloysius Jackson NJ today.The good priest explained how the remains of the 3 wise men venerated in Cologne Germany have been verified as of the correct time of Jesus and fit the traditional reference.We praise the Lord.

    • John George says:

      i would love to hear more about this . I had never heard about this before . Please elaborate and thank you in advance.

  5. Marie Pauline Sauzier says:

    How amazing it is to be able to watch snd join in the on line Mass.We are truly blessed.

  6. Evans Almeida says:

    Thank you for Mass on line. I was able to attend Mass yesterday in Mumbai- St Patrick’s and today in Australia -St. Joseph Cathedral, Rockhampton. All from my bedroom, as I recover, in Nairobi, Kenya.
    Have a Blessed day to you all.

  7. David says:

    Many thanks to all those who thought about the need for people like me who have to quarantine. The Holy Mass is life and you have given me that great gift today.

  8. Augustina Mba says:

    Thank God for the opportunity of hearing Mass even when it is not possible to attend physically.

  9. Geoffrey says:

    I read somewhere that the most watched Bishop in Australia on YouTube is not in one of the capital cities, but in Lismore, a town in Northern NSW. Bp Greg Homeming’s homilies are amazing!

  10. Angie says:

    Thank you for this. I was able to attend virtually a beautiful Catholic Mass. I will be sharing with my mother. I am very immunosuppressed so I don’t get out much during this Pandemic except for my medical appointments (must travel tomorrow for 2 1/2 hours to my transplant check up) so this mass meant a lot.

    Please pray for the souls of Beth Spidy who passed away and I don’t know if her soul was saved or not. Please also pray for the souls of my murdered cousins (Canada) Doug and Marian Fischer who I also am not sure what state their souls were in but they were always nice to us and let us stay there when I had to go to Sick Kids hospital in Toronto as a child. Please also pray for a young man named Nathan who died suddenly from something to do with his Heart I believe. And I pray for my brother Shawn P. Essery and his only daughter who has strayed from the Faith and for Sins of the Flesh. I also pray for my other brother and his mother-in-law who is in hospital. I also want to pray for all the souls who do not yet know God or deny God or even make fun of the Catholic Faith has they do not yet know God or believe in God. I also pray for all the women who consider or have gotten Abortions. I know one lady who has gotten a LOT of abortions and keeps getting them. Lord have Mercy. Amen.

    • Angie says:

      I also want to pray for my mother who refuses to get surgery so she has a temp object in her body. She is afraid even though she knows for a fact that Jesus is with her. Please keep Susan in your prayers. Lord of Mercy. Amen.

  11. Sally Wineke says:

    It seemed like I heard the voice of an angel at the 7:15 PM mass tonight. Also the fact that she was never shown but saying anonymously made it so precious her voice so clear so bright so full of love and adoration was tremendously uplifting The reverence which father showed in saying and praying the mass added greatly to my own sense of worship. Thank you so much Father and thank you to that sweet angel voice that we were privileged to hear.

  12. jaelajae says:

    Today is the Feast of Jesus, the Eternal and High Priest (first Thursday after Pentecost)– observed in certain parts of the world e.g Australia, England, Wales. Heartfelt thanks to this Online Mass resource, I’m able to observe this Feast and participate spiritually even if Im in a country where this isnt liturgically observed, and rediscover the beauty of what it means to be Catholic, ie Universal. God bless you and the work you do in this new evangelisation. God is indeed gracious.

  13. Emily Cummings says:

    Thank you so much for all that you have provided for stay at home Mass watchers, like me, during this past year of Covid.

    You have helped me stay connected to the church of Christ, and I am so grateful.

    I just made my first donation.

    Thanks again and God Bless everything you do!

  14. Milu Maria says:

    Thank God….for this graceful efforts of many availing us the opportunity to attend the live holy Mass
    May the almighty bless uuuuu all

  15. John George says:

    Some of us can play beautiful musical instruments , others can dance, and still others have good lead voice to serve as cantors but not all of us can sing. For those who are not melodios in their voices, priests and lay, please do not take on lead singing as it distracts. In addition, no one should sing solo as praising God is everybody’s duty and privilege.
    Blessed be God in His Angels and Saints.

    • Terese Bertschinger McNeil says:

      To quote an old Priest I knew years ago who had parish members whom others intimidated into not singing- “GOD gave you your voice. Give it back to HIM!!!

      The Sacrifice of the Mass is not primarily a fine arts performance for a critic’s entertainment- although it can be quite lovely. Our liturgical celebration is a cooperative gathering for worship and praise. Raise your voice to God.

  16. RichardLDDebassige says:

    Prayer for Priests-
    O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests; for Your unfaithful and tepid priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for your tempted priests; for Your lonely and desolate priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for the souls of Your Priests in purgatory.
    But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me; the priests who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way. O Jesus, keep them all close to Your Heart. and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. AMEN.

  17. Audery Brooklyn says:

    I’m very happy to be here I’m a born Catholic thanks to a friend of mine on facebook who shared the link worship @Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church @Lakeview_chicago East.. Beautiful church with very professional choir

  18. Maria Josefa Ana Torres De Souza says:

    St. lawrence’s catholic Church- I thank the priest and congregation for this online mass- i could join you spiritually in my offwork hours- ty for being a blessing to me. God bless you all- Have a lovely thursday

  19. Anne-Sheila Livesey says:

    Dear Faithful – please say a prayer for Mark, young man, writer of Divine Mercy literature, from DM HQ, Massachusetts, who died recently, don’t know circumstances but Mark may have been depressed – please pray to Divine Mercy to take one of His faithful into His Kingdom this Divine Mercy Sunday, Amen, God Bless

  20. Joseph Sangatu says:

    Thanks be to God and the blessed lives of the organizers and contributer’s of and to this website.
    You are all sooo awesome, reaching out and ensuring that we who are unable to attend a holy mass in person do not miss or feel missed out.
    Marvelous are your works indeed oh Lord.

  21. Eugeni says:

    Thanks for this opportunity to attend online daily Mass. I am following 3 weeks quarantine and it is a great help. I realised Mass in KL at 8:30 is in the evening (so 20:30), not in the morning. May God bless you all for this good service.

  22. A says:

    Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, Beauly, Scotland 31/03/2021
    Now THAT is Christian JOY! What an amazing Mass! God bless you both!

  23. Aileen says:

    Christ the King Catholic Church, Coventry, U.K. 9.30am Mass 26/03/2021, on this day of The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    It is so wonderful to hear such a young Priest say the Holy Mass with such reverence and love. Also the elder Priest behold the Lord in the Blessed Eucharist with such veneration and love. May God bless you both. Please pray for the people of Slovenia and Ireland who are being denied Mass by their governments.

  24. Adamu Christian O. says:

    Good to join mass from Nigeria… To God be the glory for this wonderful opportunity. Amen

  25. Aileen says:

    I feel bereft. Having listened to Mass in Malaysia today on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, hearing about St. Joseph’s Table, (what a wonderful thing to do.) and hearing the words of the Cardinal, I’m beginning to understand how far our own Church in Ireland has fallen. What a richness in Church teachings, what Spiritual guidance, what courage he receives from God! No fear. All of Ireland is fearful. Please pray that our Bishop’s and priests will gain courage so we can celebrate Holy Week and Easter with the Lord Our God in Church and not be afraid of earthly authorities who have abused their power. We were obedient and they still deny us. We have only one authority to follow as Christians. God. Please pray for the people of Ireland and for our Priests, Religious, Bishops, Archbishops and God’s Pope. They and we suffer because of earthly authorities. Deliver the people of the world Lord from this evil.

    • robert h says:

      i will pray for you in Ireland, in the US we are dealing with same problems. In some cases its the Church enforcing absurd rules and in some cases calling the police. Insane times, be well and God Bless

    • Michael Moloney says:

      Fr.John Mockler and the Apostolate of Sanctification offer the full Rosary and Holy Mass every Thursday Night from 19.45 to Midnight (GMT) for the Sanctification of all our Bishops and Priests. You can join him on mcnmedia.tv/camera/newcastlewest
      Michael Moloney
      World Apostolate of Fatima (Ireland)

  26. Eileen Gardiner says:

    So good to join in mass from other parts if the world

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