Holy Masses live online

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Here you can find links to Holy Masses online from different parishes all around the world.

When you enter the chosen page you will see the calendar with the Catholic Holy Masses live online.
Click in the chosen hour when you want to see the Holy Mass online.

Holy Mass online in English

The Calendar of the Holy Masses

If you use Google calendar you may add the Holy Mass stream to your own calendar.

If you want to celebrate the Holy Mass now click on the link “Watch online Holy Mass.” and the broadcast website opens automatically. Then you can watch the Holy Mass live online.

This website was created for the sick, home bound and for those who, due to other important reasons, could not go to Mass; or those who, due to their locations, do not have Churches to go to. We hope that our website will help our sisters and brothers in faith to celebrate the Holy Mass live online wherever they are.

Please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of this website.

May God Bless You,

Volunteers of Mass-online.org



196 Responses to Holy Masses live online

  1. Daniel Nathan Bun says:

    Our Father which art in heaven,
    Hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come,
    Thy will be done in earth,
    as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our debts,
    as we forgive our debtors.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil:
    For thine is the kingdom,
    and the power, and the glory,
    for ever. Amen.

  2. MV Campo says:

    This platform is a great relief since the pandemic started. It facilitated my daily masses as our churches were not allowed to have physical liturgical celebrations during the 1st lockdown (Mar 2020) for some months and currently on our 2nd lockdown (Mar 22-present). Being connected to the ultimate source of life and inspiration – Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, it’s easier to live these uncertain days with optimism, love, faith and hope. Kudos to mass-online.org. May God bless all your efforts and keep you all safe. Thank you so much. Best wishes from the warm city of Manila, Philippines.

  3. Susan Mbagwu (Houston, Texas) says:

    This is one of the MOST INOVATIVE, HELPFUL, AND REALLY, CATHOLIC(reaching out to all)idea i have come across in a long time.
    It is transports one; both Spiritually, and Geographically.
    We get to ‘meet’ others, see other Alters, Cathedrals without leaving our House.
    We can ‘gather’ despite covid.

  4. David P Carroll says:

    God bless you all and stay safe and warm and have a peaceful weekend peace and love god bless.

  5. Ethelyn David says:

    Thank you for this gift. If it weren’t for Covid. If it weren’t for this gift, I would be traveling for pleasure and Ministry. So now I have to be grateful that I can attend travel, attend mass worldwide, and be in Adoration even if livestream. Our public worship has been closed since November in Canada, so this is a small consolation. I have shared this site with many of my friends. #armchairmasstraveler

  6. Marlane says:

    Thank you and God Bless you for your wonderful service, bringing us the word anytime it is needed! I spent quite a lot of time here several months back, when we were kept away from attending publicly about 6 mos. ago. They opened things up more in our area (Savannah,GA USA). I enjoyed viewing masses from different areas of our country as well as worldwide. How awesome is that! Going to mass in some of the most beautiful and famous basillicas and Churches without leaving home. I am legally blind so can no longer drive, so when I am unable to get there through the generosity of friends or family I no longer worry or get mad at my circumstances but relax and worship here, and count this as one of the many wonderful blessings God has given me. God bless all the others out there who find their way to your wonderful website.We are all children of God and we all want to please and praise Him as best we can in a less than perfect world with all our many flaws. Peace and love from Georgia, and everyone stay well out there! God will be at our sides through this mess.

  7. Therese says:

    I’m so sorry for those with a loss of a family member.I had a loss 9 years ago .I was totally devastated. I prayed daily for the Lord to help me through this. I wasn’t sure I wanted to still even be here with out that person. I reached out to a neighboring church.They had a program called grief share.I believe the Lord sent me there. How it happened my sister came to visit and we were headed to church but we were real late.So we decided to go-to my neighboring Nazarene church. There I had talk to a pastor I poured out my heart to him for I was pain .He told me about a religious program grief share that they had every week for 13 weeks .I decided to go and see what this program was all about. There were others suffering like me .I continued going for the next 4yr.I was so thankful that the Lord sent me there. I learned that you have to go through the griefing process In able to move on in your life I prayed for the Lord to help me and he was there for me. I wish more churches had a program for grieving .I thank the Lord everyday for what he has given me. He has once again given me hope. I am truly blessed ❤️

  8. Maria and David says:

    May God bless you all!
    This period of pandemic deepens our belief.
    Never lose trust and hope.
    Greetings from Germany

    • John George says:

      Maria and David, I was in Germany on work assignments several times before COVID but did not have opportunity to access a catholic church. I was in Heilbronn. I write now from Malaysia. Is there a catholic church and active community in Helbronn in case of visits in the future ?
      God bless

  9. Terry says:

    Hi all and thank you. I need to rebuild my relationship with God, and connect with believers. God bless, may 2021 be a better year for everyone.

  10. Dylan says:

    It is a beautiful thing to have Mass online.
    Thank you for this gift, when I can I will definitely make a donation
    Today 10/01/2021 was the first time I have attended one of your Masses

    I love you
    I love God

    Br, Dylan J. Swart
    South Africa

  11. MJ Olsavsky says:

    Thank you that is very kind . I am very sorry for your loss as well.

  12. Frank says:

    I pray that our HEAVENLY FATHER pours out His blessings on everyone of us at this very disturbing period in our life.
    The online masses continue to remind us of the sacrifice that JESUS CHRIST made for us sinners and gives strength to bear the difficulties of the pandemic. Christians should continue their prayers in full faith.
    Our HEAVENLY FATHER will always give good things to His children when we ask for it. HE is the best father one can have.

  13. MJ Olsavsky says:

    @Joseph C Boylan I don’t appreciate you calling it a “plandemic”. Millions of people are dead, including my own mother. Although I appreciate you advocating more prayer, the rest of your post is not appropriate for this site – you’re not on Facebook.

    • Tim Britton says:

      Your response was very different than mine….does this mean I am wrong ? NO….You have an opinion and it is just that. We are all under HUGE stress and need to be be more accepting of human differences. We must rebuild the bridges. The task is monumental. May God’s peace be with us all.

    • John George says:

      Dear MJ I am sorry to hear of your losing your mom. I also lost my mom though not through the pandemic. I understand the pain of separation but our faith in God will lead us to believe that our loved ones are already on that ‘beautiful shore’ where we will all meet one day soon in Gods glory . May God bless you .

  14. Denis Bastien says:

    I subscribe to John George comment as to the clarity of speech on the part of the priest celebrating the mass, be it on line or live. The acoustics of churches are not always the greatest, and if the priest does not articulate well or speaks too fast and does not project well, the message is lost and the congregation loses interest. I also think that 10 minutes is sufficient to communicate a full “pill of grace and meditation” to the congregation for the week to come. God bless all those who work to perpetuate his Word and Mercy in these difficult times.

  15. Joseph C Boylan says:

    We are all under tremendous pressure of fear because of this very evil “plandemic” which we are struggling to bear in our everyday lives. I am sure the Catholic Church understands this situation and appreciates the fact that this is a kind of persecution of the Faith by Satanical activity from the devil’s assistants in the form of people who are attempting to destroy the Faith of very many Christians in dilemma about what they should do next.
    My suggestion is that we should all increase our prayerful activity at least fivefold to fight off the devils intentions. Probably if you can’t get to Mass or are afraid of the so-called consequences of failing to attend Mass especially on Sunday, then say the Rosary continuously as the Rosary is very powerful with God and Our Lady who has appeared many more times than we all realize around the world. See Maria International Broadcasting to learn more where it even explains how we can say the rosary when we are out shopping and out for other reasons to plead for the help of God in these very troubled times. God IS with us now at this very time as you are reading this text and May God bless us all to keep our lives better and better throughout these difficulties.

  16. Rosemary Schmid says:

    Mass Online is a lovely thing. During this pandemic, I, of course, miss my parish Mass, the community there, and most especially receiving the Holy Eucharist. I think of the Catholics who have had to worship in hiding, or were in a place where they could not go to Mass for years. Online, I can go to Mass every day.
    The beauty of being a member of the Catholic church is embodied in our name. As Catholics around the world, we can, within our cultures, celebrate the Eucharist in a way that brings us into communion with each other as we worship. Some Masses are silent, others ring with chant or with “modern” hymns and music. Some congregations meet in magnificent buildings, others in extremely simple ones.
    In my lifetime have been privileged to attend Mass in the round, standing so near the altar; in churches where the priest and the congregation speak and sing in a language I don’t know; in a community room; in the great outdoors sheltered by trees; in a chapel with a priest and only three others. Now, online, I can find a Mass at any time of the day or night, in places that I will never be able to go.
    Wherever we are, we are in the presence of God in a very special way. Silence, music, dance, and the words we speak are our ways to acknowledge our faith. “Catholic” written as catholic means universal. Anyone who is not happy with the accent or the music or the sermon, in person or online, can always find another Catholic church. Thank God for that!

  17. Diane Thomas says:

    I have heard sermons/homilies that were very compelling and some that were not. Length had nothing to do with which was which. So the 10 request is ridiculous, just as ridiculous as saying they should be an hour minimum. The hope should be concerned with clarity of presentation and the content. That being said when I was much younger – I am now retired – I was attending 11am mass at St An the basis Church in Long Beach, CA. It was over 90 degrees inside the packed church and the air conditioner broke down. Word for word the homily was, “If you think this is hot, consider He’ll.”

  18. Mike says:

    I believe that online mass is better and easier for me because I can watch it live at any time of day in any part of the world where as if you don’t or cant drive it can be difficult going to church on Sundays as the buses aren’t running regular times.I still visit churches in different cities though if I’m travelling.

  19. Charles Bartson says:

    Thank you for this wonderful work of God now you’re bringing me closer to Him…..

  20. John George says:

    I am compelled to ask the priests all over to please observe that sermons be kept to 10 minutes maximum as expounded by Pope Francis. Secondly please articulate well … sometimes speech is heard only with the first few words but fades with the rest . This makes it very difficult for the congregation to follow closely to what is being said. Thirdly please ensure that the singers and musicians are mild in their voices and musical instruments. Piano keys must never be ‘pounded’ as if we are in a theatre. God bless all of you clergy and faithful who are helping to realise the online masses which is appreciated sincerely.

    • Bob Anderson says:

      And am compelled to ask you to stop complaining

    • Cleo says:

      Let the Holy Spirit guide you to accept the mass you are listening to because you may miss a grace or two since it seems you are complaining. Jesus is speaking, do not give Him a limit

      Pope Francis may have said that depending on complaints still made, but we do not mind longer homilies if they have to be. Jesus is speaking, listen to Him.

      Not everything has to be by the book. We are a generation that wants everything done for us, and how sad, we are sowing what we reap.

  21. John George says:

    there should be a daily reminder for parishners to donate happily to the church and the details of how to remit the payment must be tacitly broadcasted by each parish; if there is no daily reminder the church will likely lose prospective donations and suffer acutely from inability to meet all the expenses. We are only giving back to God what originally is His so the congregation will be happy to give.

  22. Marlene e Stahl says:

    Thank you for this service. It is very useful during the Pandemic. I hope you and all the churches are supported financially in this time of need.

  23. Jane Nwike says:

    I want to attend mass of feast of St. Margeret Mary Alacoque.

  24. John George says:

    good if the sermons are kept to the obedience under the pope who recommends strongly 10 minutes [ONLY]. Also when it comes to the prayer of the faithful… please allow more time for personal pray er instead of rushing through that part just so that the Mass can be kept short. The Mass need not be kept short.

  25. Gloria Sam Bowers says:

    Proving that our Catholic Church is truly Universal. Started by Jesus .

  26. Echems says:

    This application is simply good,tanx.

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