Holy Masses live online

Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Here you can find links to Holy Masses online from different parishes all around the world.

When you enter the chosen page you will see the calendar with the Catholic Holy Masses live online.
Click in the chosen hour when you want to see the Holy Mass online.

Holy Mass online in English

The Calendar of the Holy Masses

If you use Google calendar you may add the Holy Mass stream to your own calendar.

If you want to celebrate the Holy Mass now click on the link “Watch online Holy Mass.” and the broadcast website opens automatically. Then you can watch the Holy Mass live online.

This website was created for the sick, home bound and for those who, due to other important reasons, could not go to Mass; or those who, due to their locations, do not have Churches to go to. We hope that our website will help our sisters and brothers in faith to celebrate the Holy Mass live online wherever they are.

Please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of this website.

May God Bless You,

Volunteers of Mass-online.org



196 Responses to Holy Masses live online

  1. Russ DeVillier says:

    Glad to find this site

  2. bruce arthur moorhead says:

    I also watch the Mass online from all over the world and believe that I receive many graces and blessings from God. Thank you for this great Mass Online website! Bruce Moorhead.

  3. Agnes Onyeagu says:

    Glory, honor, power, majesty be onto Christ our Lord! I thank God for the wisdom behind mass-online. I do not watch mass. I attend and get filled as if I am in a physical church. It is excellent for me at this time. What I really miss is the physical Holy Communion which I receive spiritually, and offering which I am taking care of. May God continue to increase your strength and wisdom as you listen to Him and take care of our spiritual needs. I pray the Holy Blood of Jesus may saturate and cleanse our environments so we can physically praise God together in our churches. Amen. Remain blessed.

  4. Cee says:

    Just found this site. It is such a blessing to have Masses available on the internet when it is impossible to attend. I dont mean merealy “watching” but participative from home, at least making the Sign of the Cross with the congregation and praying along reverently,making a spiritual communion.
    The well-meaning folks who engage in live chat during the live Mass dont understand that yhe graces are lost. If we would not talk to those around us during a Mass at our church, condlsider that the live broadcast Mass is actually being celebrated in real time. If we text through it its like chatting through Mass, losing the grace God holds out to us and distracting others. Cee

  5. Gino Pisani says:

    The mass at 8:00 a.m. in Central Zone at St. John Cantius Church is in Latin! Very nice and Traditionsal!

  6. Patrick McGroarty says:

    May God bless you! St. Clare is the patron saint of television because she was able to see and hear the celebration of the Mass on her cell’s wall once she was too ill to attend in person.

  7. L says:

    In response to June Georgina’s 20th, 2020 Comment, I refer her to the reason for this page, now in the time of the pandemic:

    “This website was created for the sick, home bound and for those who, due to other important reasons, could not go to Mass; or those who, due to their locations, do not have Churches to go to. We hope that our website will help our sisters and brothers in faith to celebrate the Holy Mass live online wherever they are.

    Please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of this “

  8. D Georgina says:

    The priest in our parish (Fr, Tom) St Peter’s Catholic church in MN wrote in his weekly letter to our community: “A live-streaming mass is a digitally processed, manufactured image on the screen. It is not a real mass.”

    Is this what the Catholic church believes?

    • dan, S.T.D. says:

      In response to Georgina. It is a mass in a different form. A Priest is actually celebrating a Mass and in your mind and heart Christ is present offering Himself to the Father and you are joining yourself to that offering. The Church makes no statement of “belief” as to how that occurs in its digital form.

      • John says:

        I think the Church would believe that watching a Mass on the internet should never be seen as equal to physical attendance at Mass.

        But if one were unable to attend Mass, either through infirmity, illness or because the Church was closed due to coronavirus, watching a Mass on the internet would be considerably better than having no contact at all.

  9. Anna Maria DeGuid says:

    What an amazing grace to be able to celebrate mass live with Catholics around the world!
    Thank you so much for this blessing!

  10. Nathalie says:

    Many thanks for the maintenance of the livestream. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to participate in the Holy Mass early in the morning in this way. This changes my everyday life for the better. God bless and protect you!

  11. Victoria Notts says:

    Praise the Lord. Please help us to keep in touch with the Lord and feel HIS Divine presence. Thank you very much.

    • m. stewart says:

      Thank you thank you Walsingham Catholic Shrine of Our Lady, UK for one of the most meaningful and beautiful Masses I have ever attended (at 9pm 6th June 2020 online). Tremendous homily as well. I know now what changes I need to make in my life. Many Many Thanks.

  12. Jerry Albert Lim Kian Tho says:

    We are grateful for this modality of being able to receive these Holy Blessings from all over the world. Thank you God for this Blessing.

  13. Lisa S says:

    What is the name of the hymn at the end of the daily Mass at 7 AM in Walsingham Catholic Shrine of Our Lady, UK?

  14. Alita Gamboa says:

    May we know what time zone is used?

  15. Connie higgins says:

    Is there a site where I can see a mass in Latin

  16. Colin Robens says:

    God bless you for your efforts to make available the Mass to any who desire to go to the foot of Calvary regularly at this time, and join with Jesus on the cross offering his infinite sacrifice for the salvation of all.
    Yes it is the most powerful prayer, as it is the prayer of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
    As St Padre Pio said: ‘The earth can more easily survive without the sun than without the Mass.’

  17. Jack says:

    Thanks a lot to the people responsible for this site. Once you have attended a Mass that works for your timezone, even if it’s not in the schedule the next day, all you need to do is to use the URL for the YouTube site for the Church and the Mass is there. I’ve attended online Masses live streamed from places like Australia, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Ireland, US. I see even Lourdes is in the calendar. Best of all, the Pope’s Mass is available from Rome daily with English translation. Awesome work and keep it up. Iam attending Mass every day during the pandemic courtesy of this site. What a great service you are rendering us all over the world. God bless you.

  18. Claude says:

    So blessed for getting masses on line.

  19. Walburga Habsburg Douglas says:

    So grateful for alkl the masses, I have now lived for 27 years in the diaspora in Sweden, and now since I have no drivers licence I cannot go to weekday masses in my parish 45 km away any more, these live-streamed Holy Masses are a blessing!

  20. Melvin Pereira says:

    Today is my sister in law’s 2nd death anniversary. Request all to please pray for her soul ✝️

  21. Colin Robens says:

    great effort to counteract the negative influences of the covid 19 virus.

  22. Marlane Barker says:

    Love, from Georgia, USA!!! This is the best site I have found in a long time. I only wish I had found it sooner. I am spreading the word on facebook, etc. and also with my parish and others. We need to get the word out there. We also need to make donations to keep it going. This site is a necessity at this time when this pandemic has taken away our ability to worship. This is the time when prayer and the Eucharist is crucial to our survival as the Catholic Church as well as our own personal salvation. Thank you so much for creating this awesome website, which is a testament to your faith and fortitude. May God bless you and all those who are diligently putting this together, He must be very, very pleased with His good shepherds.
    Marlane Barker-Georgia, USA

  23. Joe Joerger says:

    Ascension in Overland Park, KS is at 8:15 on Sunday and weekdays rather than at 8:00 as noted.

  24. Mary Buch says:

    Are there online live Masses prayed in Polish language?

  25. Maria says:

    I would like to ask why the live mass almost disappeared from this site as well as the number of daytime mass in churches all around the world.
    It was a way to follow Jesus presence in a stronger way and was a very good quality site with many presences
    Now there is many repeated mass and moments the mass is announced and doesn’t happen as the webs are disconnected from live and mass announced do not occur.
    Please review the list and its quality presence
    Thank you

    • Marlane Barker says:

      I think this website is probably run voluntarily and may not have the resources to keep up
      meticulously, I can only imagine it must be a daunting endeavor. I am sure they are also effected by all the technical problems that we all encounter, especially when these Churches are also struggling with new technology. I am not tech savvy, and its a struggle to
      keep my simple desktop computer going without me crashing it, or deleting something in error, not to mention the undependable web connections that many countries probably have, I know I lose my connection quite often. It is frustrating! But I think now is the time when we all need a bit more patience as everyone is dealing with way more than we are used to and being home sheltered just adds to the frustration. I applaud this group who has put together this awesome site for everyone, worldwide, making it easy to find exactly what we want and need, so we can continue to worship. It cannot be easy to keep this running, especially considering all the different countries involved and all the variables. I’m sure it is a labor of love for these volunteers, who must feel so much frustration. Think about how frustrating it is when you are trying to send out an important report or email and your computer crashes, or it deletes something you need, or your just surfing and pages don’t load, we all know how truly maddening it is to deal with a computers. I for one have been tempted to take a sledgehammer to mine on many occasions. By the grace of God, I haven’t. I think what these wonderful souls need is for us to say “thank you very much for your hard work, we are glad you do this!” And if at all possible send them a donation, as I’m sure they are just like us, trying to take care of a family, pay the bills, and stay devoted to God while sharing His goodness.

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