Daily Holy Mass live online

Daily Catholic Holy Mass live online

If you want to watch the online broadcast of the Holy Mass click in the church name in the calendar below.

For Apple Safari browser users: if you do not see the Holy Mass list, but you can see the ‘I’m not a robot’ checkbox, we suggest changing your browser to Chrome. We have reported this problem to Apple and we are waiting for solution.

579 Responses to Daily Holy Mass live online

  1. Paul ning says:

    Tks for the 7/24 mass online
    You pray 7/24 , you attend mass everyday
    you can do catch up on previous masses, you can have diverse views from priests , bishops from every country of the world ,their interpretation of the homily.The one from Ghana was one I can never fall asleep

  2. Roy says:

    Thank you for this wonderful site.

    Please note that the Mass in Telugu India is not in English.

    Please change this.


  3. Chibuzo Ekumankama says:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful resource. We are really grateful.

  4. Rajan Antony says:

    Plz do accept our humble thanks for this beautiful and amazing innovation that not just adds to life but makes life. You have no idea what a tremendous job you guys have done and do know that this is an incredible act of love and faith. No words to express how grateful we are to you, the catholic church and the team behind this,Big Hugs. Me, my wife & kid attend Holy Mass together thru this website. May the good God bless you all abundantly,from the depth of our hearts, we thank you. Rajan Antony & Lilly, Dubai, UAE

  5. Mr. & Mrs. Arencibia says:

    Thank you all so much for this website and for all of your work! This has been quite a blessing and a consultation in this time of pandemic and uncertainty! May Almighty God and His Blessed Mother bless you and your families and all who come across this site! Deo gracias from NJ, USA

  6. sabine says:

    Hello, what is the difference between “holy mass” and “mass”?
    At first, I thought, “holy mass” is the traditional mass in latin, but I dont think so.
    Or is “mass” the protestant supper?

    • admin says:

      We are broadcasting only Catholic Masses. Only few of them are Latin or traditional in Tridentine Rite – if it so – this is described. All are Catholic Masses.
      God bless You!

  7. Neil Pereira says:

    You are doing a wonderful service to Catholics worldwide. Thank you very much to all behind this fantastic website. I have sent ur link to all my friends worldwide.

  8. Jessica says:

    Try Knock Shrine in Ireland. They have brogues but I find it easy to follow and the music minister is great.

  9. Danielle Duggan says:

    @Angela Turner…if you try redemptoristslimerickie, you can join their webcam page.

  10. Angela Turner says:

    I have given up trying to join mass in Limerick Ireland; I can’t make out any words. Today I strained to hear the rosary in St. Augustine’s Bridgeport Usually this is a good volume. Thank you for all the other beautiful churches around the world that help me pray (in English) almost any time of the day I choose. Angela in Australia

  11. Mary Rose Tuazon says:

    may i have schedule of online masses

    • admin says:

      Usually, Holy Masses are repeated at the same time every day. You can also see future masses by scrolling the calendar to the days you want to check. God bless You!

  12. Dolores Marie Moran says:

    I am writing from Maryland, U.S.A. to thank you so very much for your wonderful Mass and prayers after Mass. I am so grateful to be able to hear daily Mass while being unable to go to Mass here in the states due to the problems we all are suffering at this time. I love Ireland and its people, having visited the country several times and being friends with the Daughters of Charity in Dublin. I feel present there at the Monestery of Clonard and it has helped me a lot to deal with this serious time in our lives. God bless you for all you do and please know how much I appreciate your kindness, I wave back to you all at the end of the Mass. I plan to send a donation to the Monestery in appreciation. Thank you and God bless you all.

  13. Anne says:

    What a joy it is to hear mass from all around our world during this hard time! To share our love for our God shows that we are more connected than ever before. Aren’t we blessed. Thank you!

  14. AngelaMercy says:

    Really thank you so so so much for this website. The local time given is very convenience. My spirit was benefit from this website a lot since March. Hopefully this website will continue after the pandemic. May God bless all the people who set up this website.

  15. Nyams says:

    May God bless you abundantly for this site! You have blessed my family and friends from Nairobi, Kenya with this gift of online Mass in these times we are living in. Our hearts are filled with joy and peace at being able to attend Mass around the world everyday.
    Thank you Father Almighty
    Thank you Jesus
    Thank you Holy Spirit

    Our Holy Mother Mary, pray for you always.

  16. Peg McDermott says:

    Thank you so very much in sharing the celebration of the mass!
    I have tried several other masses, however I am drawn to your beautiful mass. The church is gorgeous and the priests share the word with warmth and sincerity and love. I so much aporeciate Una’s (spelling?) inspiring and heartfelt contrbution with her beautiful voice. Thank you ,Una… I can hear the genuine sincerity in your words as you share them in song. I am in a choir, yet on hold for now, so I do my best to sing with you. Thank you also to the talented organist. All in all…. you are my new parish from afar. It also helps that I am Irish Perhaps some day I can come there and thank you all in person. My name is Peg McDermott from Springfield, IL , USA.
    God bless you and keep you safe.
    With warmth and affection in my heart,

    • Nancy Robinson says:

      Hello Peg,
      You don’t mention the name of the Church you like so much. I would like to attend Mass there too. What is it?
      To those of you who have organized this website. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Perfect in every way. I hope you can continue after the virus is just a memory.

      • admin says:

        Nancy, we are online from 2015 and will try to stay online until the Kingdom of God will come. God bless you!

  17. Lazarus Tsakma says:

    I love you so much or God

  18. Rich Ravas says:

    My the good Lord bless the world with an end to this Pandemic. And thanks for this gift of online mass while we await.

  19. Luz says:

    THANK YOU Jesus and thank you Most Blessed Mother for this gift.
    I am filled with gratitud to those who have made it possible.
    In Christ Jesus

  20. MARY JANE WELLS says:

    This is a wonderful gift to us in this time of great need. Joining the Dominican sisters for Vespers and Rosary is a boon. Many churches follow the Mass with a Rosary. Would it be possible for them to show this on the daily Mass list , Please? It is so good to pray the Rosary with Others.

  21. Dolores brandstetter says:

    How wonderful. That u listened. To our lord n blessed. Mary. N thank u sooo much. To think. How much work you put in. Just. Contacting. All these. Churches. Around. The. World. My daughter n I like the mass. From. Belfast Ireland. It is a monestery n the church is
    Beautiful. N the. Priest always wave. Goodbye. To us. Thank you n may u receive an extra special. Blessing. From. Heaven. Dolores Brandstetter.

  22. Josephine says:

    I am so glad i found this website, now I can attained live streaming mass on time, and sharing this site to my family and friends too. Thank you and God bless!

  23. Titto John says:

    I am so blessed that I found this website.

  24. Rory OC says:

    Can you provide contact info for “Holy Trinity Parish, USA”, so we can make a donation to them? (NOT via Paypal if possible).

  25. Kathy says:

    thank you for this valuable website. It is extremely comforting to be able to listen to the Mass being celebrated when our local parishes are closed during this pandemic.

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