Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Here you can find links to Holy Masses online from different parishes all around the world.
When you enter the chosen page you will see the calendar with the Catholic Holy Masses live online.
Click in the chosen hour when you want to see the Holy Mass online.
The Calendar of the Holy Masses
If you use Google calendar you may add the Holy Mass stream to your own calendar.
If you want to celebrate the Holy Mass now click on the link “Watch online Holy Mass.” and the broadcast website opens automatically. Then you can watch the Holy Mass live online.
This website was created for the sick, home bound and for those who, due to other important reasons, could not go to Mass; or those who, due to their locations, do not have Churches to go to. We hope that our website will help our sisters and brothers in faith to celebrate the Holy Mass live online wherever they are.
Please consider a donation to help us cover the costs of this website.
May God Bless You,
Volunteers of Mass-online.org
Where can I find the link to the Spanish Masses?
Here you can find some Holy Masses in Spanish: https://msza-online.net/msze-swiete-po-hiszpansku/
Time zone: CET.
Thank you! You are very helpful.
Hello from Indonesia
Which timezone is used in this website?
Thank you and God bless you!
It should be your local time
Thank you . I just attended to a mass this Sunday. I would like to donate for the website.
Please give me information.
Thank you very much. Please look at Donate in webpage/application menu. God bless you!
Happy Sunday.
Thank you for this service.
Are there any Cantonese or Chinese services available online?
Thanks in advance!
Here you can find some Holy Masses in Mandarin https://mass-online.org/holy-mass-in-mandarin/
My priest want’s me to get our livestream added to this list. How does that process work?
We are in Missouri, USA
Thank you for providing mass. It was my promise for lent to attend mass every Sunday. I didn’t last Sunday, but then I educated myself and discovered this. Thanks again!!
Hi. Thank you very much. God bless you.
Thank you for offering this mass so that we could participate from our home in Ontario , Canada.
What a true blessing you have shared with us across the world. We are deeply grateful.
Hi!Thank you for this website. May I know if you’re open to uploading online masses in other dialects or languages apart from English, Latin or Greek? If so, how?
Here you can find some Holy Masses in
German (CET Time Zone):
Byelorussian (CET):
Czech (CET):
Finnish (CET):
French (CET):
Spanish (CET):
Korean (CET):
Russian (CET):
Romanian (CET):
Slovak (CET):
Ukrainian (CET):
Hungarian (CET):
Italian (CET):
Lithuanian (CET):
Can you help me find holy mass live online in Malayalam. It’s a regional language from South India. Most churches are shut down and my parents have never missed a day of holy mass….
We have added the Holy Mass in Malayalam on Sundays. You will find the link to the stream of the Mass below: https://msza-online.net/msze-swiete-po-malayalam-tamil/ God bless You!
Thanks you so much for this wonderful apps, it is really helpful.
God Bless you, stephanus!
I’m visiting someone who does not attend Mass and their home is not near public transportation, or within walking distance of a Catholic church so I need to depend on them for rides to church. Since their work schedule varies and they have other family duties to attend to I feel bad about having to ask them to take time out of their day to drive me to church then come back to pick me up. The nearest Catholic church to their home is almost a half hour drive which means they are spending a couple of hours going back and forth. In this situation would attending Mass online be considered fulfilling my Sunday/Holiday obligation?
Please contact with your priest to answer this question. It is very difficult to answer this question. But if you can, if your health enabling it, always is better to attend physically at Holy Mass.
Please pray for me to be closer to God thanks and God
Please offer today’s Holy Mass for Noel Valerio and family as they struggle with the serious illness of his wife.
Dear brothers and sisters,
I am a Catholic Sociologist at Florida International University’s Department of Religious Studies. My research interest is religious identities and New Information and Communication Technologies. I think that your service is amazing. I am pleasantly surprised.
How can I contact you to make some questions to the administrators?
Happy Easter! God Bless You All.
Thank you very much and God bless you for words of encouragement!
Please contact us at kontakt@dowiedzsie.org
Grazie di cuore for this opportunity to experience the Holy Mass when I’m unable to go to church for one reason or another. Pax et Bonum sempér. ✝
I have noticed that the Holy Rosary online doesn’t lead to a live Rosary but a Mass telecast.
Can you correct this anomaly.
Thank you for comment. If you are on time on Holy Rosary page you can watch Holy Rosary.
Can you direct me to a Tridentine daily mass online? Thank you and God Bless you all! Elsa Chapman
I am searching for a Catholic Mass streamed in Latin from any country.
Please see at this page Latin Holy Mass
I will be migrating to join my husband in England soon. I haven’t been able to find a Catholic Church in England when I googled. I think I’m searching the wrong way.
Would you be able to provide me with a list of all the Catholic Church in England, please?
God bless you.
if you here in south yorkshire – sheffield there is St. Marie’s Catholic near M&S in the city centre cause i always attend Holy Masses , then deepcar /stockbridge – St. Ann’s Catholic Church , there is also St. Patrick , Mother of Christ , St. Thomas Moore , all by trams and bus . just google and search .
I am really happy to have mass online on different schedules. May the almighty God bless you for those who enabled me and others share the holy mass.
I want to watch the holy mass
I’m so happy that I can get masses live online
God bless you, Jitendra!
Does this mass actually count as attending mass based on the Catholic Churches rules ?
Our internet service helps only if you have no other possibility to attend in Holy Mass in church. This means if you are sick or disable or traveling in the country where there are no catholic churches.
hello. what if you are in foreign country but there’s no mass in language that you understand?
Please look at msza-online.net. Change language in right top corner.
Maybe on that website is holy mass in your language.
I think he meant to ask if, by the Catholic church’s rules, would the following count as “attending mass”?
An American is in Taiwan for a business trip but speaks absolutely no Mandarin (or Cantonese). He/she wants to go to church on Sunday, but hasn’t the foggiest idea of how to find the address of a nearby Catholic church, let alone how to get there! Even if he/she did make it to a mass, it would be in Mandarin, so they would just be
wasting their time, not understanding any of it.
Rather than going through that ordeal, he/she just watches a Live English Mass broadcast on this website.
So, they are not disabled or sick, but in a place where they have never been before, where they don’t speak the native language, and they don’t know how to get around. Would this be an acceptable situation for counting watching the live stream of a mass in their language (English) as “attending mass”?
I think he meant to ask if, by the Catholic church’s rules, would the following count as “attending mass”?
An American is in Taiwan for a business trip but speaks absolutely no Mandarin (or Cantonese). He/she wants to go to church on Sunday, but hasn’t the foggiest idea of how to find the address of a nearby Catholic church, let alone how to get there! Even if he/she did make it to a mass, it would be in Mandarin, so they would just be
wasting their time, not understanding any of it.
Rather than going through that ordeal, he/she just watches a Live English Mass broadcast on this website.
So, they are not disabled or sick, but in a place where they have never been before, where they don’t speak the native language, and they don’t know how to get around. Would this be an acceptable situation for counting watching the live stream of a mass in their language (English) as “attending mass”?
For millenia, so many church-goers didn’t understand the Latin/Greek language in the liturgy, but they knew the essence of what was going on and carried out their duty to God by being present at Holy Mass, humbly and lovingly…even at the cost of great sacrifice…even their lives, in the case of certain martyrs.
I recommend reading the chapter in St. Francis de Sales’ “Introduction to the Devout Life” on how to hear Holy Mass. He wrote it with lay-people in mind who didn’t know all the Latin being prayed/read. He recommended that they meditate on aspects of the life of Our Lord instead (e.g., during the readings), and to meditate upon the Passion during the most sacred part (“the Liturgy of the Eucharist”), sending up little aspirations and acts of faith/hope/charity, as the Holy Spirit inspires.
Hope this helps.
@Danielle Long:
The person has the duty to check before travelling where he could go to Mass, and if it is really would be physically/logistically impossible (not merely inconvenient) to get to Mass (which shouldn’t be the case if the person is on business and is, therefore, presumably in a town or city), he/she should ask his/her pastor if he could grant a dispensation in this case.
But, regarding language, that’s not a good enough reason. For millenia, so many church-goers didn’t understand the Latin/Greek language in the liturgy, but they knew the essence of what was going on and carried out their duty to God by being present at Holy Mass, humbly and lovingly…even at the cost of great sacrifice…even their lives, in the case of certain martyrs.
We ought to look to the Saints for our inspiration in committing to Holy Mass. As St. Teresa of Calcutta is reported to have said, “Love can’t be lived minimally.”
I usually attend the Saturday vigil mass. I no longer drive and depend on others for my ride. When I can’t go because of illness or some other reason, I “attend” on TV. My question is– where is there a televised vigil mass, or is it just on Sundays?
Thank you for question. We provide Holy Mass calendar for all days, not only for Sundays. Please visit our page, you are welcome!
Thank you for sharing Mass with us. From my heart I thank you. Dianna