Please Bless My Nephew Bryan, Wife Brandi And All The Kids. Protect Them From Evil And Wrong Doing.Bless And Soak Them With Your Precious Blood And Fill Them With Your Holy Spirit.
Bless My Country Protect It From Dictators. Please Let Your Holy Spirit Com Down Upon My Country Please.
Please pray for me that I overcome my phobia of driving and being around other people especially for going to mass. I nearly had a panic attack this morning just thinking of driving to a mass near me.
I pray for complete healing and recovery. I pray that my symptoms will resolve completely and that I will be able to stay healthy for my young family.
Thank you for your mercy. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.
I want to thank you lord for all the ways you have blessed my life and my family and i want to be closer to you. i also pray for successful visa application
That all Christian’s of all denominations will this Easter realize they are all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, regardless of the form their mass or service takes. I pray in the name of the father, the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the sake of Jesus Sorrowful Passion , have mercy upon my whole family and upon the whole world. Bless us all with strength, wisdom, courage, peace and love ! Please help us in our struggles of this world. May we remember always to thank You and praise You all the days of our lives for the many special graces that You pour upon us all !! All good things come from You and You alone. Give us the strength and perseverance to carry our daily crosses without complaint . Help us to remember that You are always with us and You never leave us. May Our Mother Mary place us under her mantle of protection and guide us all to our Eternal Home ! In Jesus Name, I pray !!! AMEN
Thank you very much for bringing Jesus in the Eucharist to people who would otherwise not reach to adore Him physically, especially those in lockdown for now!
May God bless you abundantly, and grant you all your desires!
"Thank God! Give him the praise and the glory.
Before all the living,
acknowledge the many good things he has done for you,
by blessing and extolling his name in song.
Honor and proclaim God’s deeds,
and do not be slack in praising him."
TB 12:1, 6
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Please Bless My Nephew Bryan, Wife Brandi And All The Kids. Protect Them From Evil And Wrong Doing.Bless And Soak Them With Your Precious Blood And Fill Them With Your Holy Spirit.
Bless My Country Protect It From Dictators. Please Let Your Holy Spirit Com Down Upon My Country Please.
Please pray for me that I overcome my phobia of driving and being around other people especially for going to mass. I nearly had a panic attack this morning just thinking of driving to a mass near me.
I pray for complete healing and recovery. I pray that my symptoms will resolve completely and that I will be able to stay healthy for my young family.
Thank you for your mercy. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.
I want to thank you lord for all the ways you have blessed my life and my family and i want to be closer to you. i also pray for successful visa application
Draw me nearer to you, lord
Please pray for my dear husband John for a clean bill of health on his biopsy this 18th of August. Thank you, Marlene
I have said a prayer for you and your husband, may The Lord sustain you both in this time of need.
That all Christian’s of all denominations will this Easter realize they are all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, regardless of the form their mass or service takes. I pray in the name of the father, the son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please Jesus heal all who ask this of you, just as you did in the Gospels.
Oh God come through for me here in Finland. Amen
My Lord my God send your blessings upon me and my family. Strength me and my daughters.
For the sake of Jesus Sorrowful Passion , have mercy upon my whole family and upon the whole world. Bless us all with strength, wisdom, courage, peace and love ! Please help us in our struggles of this world. May we remember always to thank You and praise You all the days of our lives for the many special graces that You pour upon us all !! All good things come from You and You alone. Give us the strength and perseverance to carry our daily crosses without complaint . Help us to remember that You are always with us and You never leave us. May Our Mother Mary place us under her mantle of protection and guide us all to our Eternal Home ! In Jesus Name, I pray !!! AMEN
Love to families ❤️
Thank you very much for bringing Jesus in the Eucharist to people who would otherwise not reach to adore Him physically, especially those in lockdown for now!
May God bless you abundantly, and grant you all your desires!
Thank you God for allowing us to adore Jesus from home.
Meu Senhor e Meu Deus!
My Jesus I trust in you
Happy Valentines Day Jesus and All!
Lord Jesus have mercy on my family please. Send your Spirit to guide me. Comfort us
My Lord and my God, my God and my all❤
My Lord and my God!
My Jesus have Mercy!