Daily Holy Mass live online

Daily Catholic Holy Mass live online

If you want to watch the online broadcast of the Holy Mass click in the church name in the calendar below.

For Apple Safari browser users: if you do not see the Holy Mass list, but you can see the ‘I’m not a robot’ checkbox, we suggest changing your browser to Chrome. We have reported this problem to Apple and we are waiting for solution.

579 Responses to Daily Holy Mass live online

  1. Lynette says:

    Thank You Jesus for all your mercies.

  2. Tom Clement Kernen says:

    I love Jesus and He is my Savior

  3. Terence J Smith says:

    Thank you for this. It is a truly a gift.

  4. Dade says:

    This is great service to humanity. Thank you for the opportunity to attend Mass in different parts of the world. Just finished from Southampton, NY. God bless you. Dayo from Nigeria

  5. Donald Shaw says:


    My Jesus,
    I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
    I love You above all things,
    and I desire to receive You into my soul.
    Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.

  6. John Kennedy says:

    Its wonderful to receive Holy Masss daily via the Web Cams,thanks to all our Priests .How nice to visit so many beautiful churches and get Mass.I watch more Masses now than i normally do.

  7. Maria Bruns says:

    I wish to thank all those involved in bringing the prayerfull inspiring sevices to us. I am truely gratefull to everyone involved. God bless, Maria Liverpool.

  8. Gaile Ramoutar says:

    I am grateful for this opportunity to attend daily Mass in these difficult times!
    I love that I have the choice of attending Mass in different countries and at different times throughout the day.
    It is good to pray with other Catholics around the world and also to see the beauty of their churches.
    This link to live streamed Masses has been a lifeline for me during these difficult days of not being able to attend Mass in person. God bless all the priests who say these Masses. I just attended the Pope’s Mass at 7:00 a.m.
    Thank you very much! 🙂

  9. PKX Kuncheria says:

    Nice usefull project. God bless

  10. Maria says:

    Thx for the lifeline mass.

  11. Ann McCarthy says:

    I had the Stations of the Cross from Ottawa Canada. I had prayers from Shrewsbury Cathedral in England. I had 10.00a.m.Mass on Easter Sunday morning from Gilford London. What a choice. All so beautiful and profound. Fabulous singing. I even dressed up for Mass. Thanks to all the people who made this possible. May God Bless you and spare you your health. Ann Marie. West Cork Ireland.

  12. Diep Nguyen says:

    Thank you so much for posting this. It gave me opportunity to attend Masses in many Churches and Cathedrals in the US and in the world without having to to be there in person. Each day I attended Mass at different Church. It is wonderful to see the architecture of many Churches and Cathedrals. I just attend daily Mass with Pope at 7AM Rome time (our time is 10 PM)

  13. Peter Eldridge says:

    I have just attended online, Live a Beautiful Mass led by our Pope, Pope Francis.
    Thank God for giving us the technology to attend and hear his word.

  14. Peter Eldridge says:

    Just attended Mass online Live with our Pope from the Vatican.
    We are truly Blessed to Have Francis for our Pope, may Our Blessed Lord keep him safe and to continue to guide him through you Lord Jesus Christ.
    Peter Eldridge,
    South Africa

  15. Kathleen Ward says:

    Thank you immensely for this website. It is truly wonderful that we find the same Catholic Mass all over the world. Last week I “attended” Mass at a cathedral in County Mayo, Ireland where my grandfather, whom I never met, was born. It was special indeed. God shows his love in the most unexpected ways. Just when I’m tempted to give in to despair with the closing of the churches, I find this wonderful website.
    I’ve never been so grateful for the gift of the Catholic Faith given to me at Baptism. Tomorrow I will try to attend Mass in Moscow. Fantastic!

  16. Louise Campbell says:

    Graces are received as if in person at Mass when it is live. Not so during a recording.

    • Teresa Wilson says:

      Is that a fact or are you just assuming?

    • JoAnne Kontak says:

      I just attended Easter Vigil services from Parish Athy and they were wonderful. Thanks and I hope to join in more often. Stay safe, happy, healthy and holy and Happy Easter everyone.

  17. Patricia says:

    Thank you God for bringing Easter mass into our homes at this sad time in our world Thanking all the Priests Bishops God look after our Priests we need them in our life ,Thanking you for bringing Easter into our homes

  18. Bonita Smith says:

    Blessed Good Friday. Thank you for making it possible for you to join me in my home. What a blessing it was to find your Liturgy today. I felt so close yet far away. It is wonderful how close we can be and celebrate God’s love and goodness to all of us around the world. Thank you for making this awareness to the world. Blessings and peace.

  19. Mary Z. Becker says:

    Thank you! I watched the Stations of the Cross in Knock, Ireland. So beautiful to see our “Catholic” universal faith around the world. The Stations themselves were so pertinent to what is going on in the world today. Beautiful prayers.

  20. Kathy says:

    Most of us have so many blessings and sometimes only focus on what we don’t have. In times like these, we are reminded of these blessings as we are made aware of the suffering sick and those
    dying. Hopefully, we will remember to thank God for the blessings He gives to each of us each day as we continue on with our lives .

  21. Patience. Abutu says:

    I love this app tank u jesus

  22. Sekonaia Tupou says:

    Masses live is an opportinity for all technology users hence youcan attend Mass any time anywhere all you need is a phone or laptop or TV and in yhis sense our needs are being cateredfor all the time even those who cannot attrnd for many reasons so this zence of one family one church one God ….God bless us all

  23. Julie says:

    At this time of difficulties I feel GOD is good. His church has provided mass around the globe, which no one should missed it. I can go from one altar to onother and pray to Our Lord Jesus begging him to restore the storm.
    Thank you to all of the priest who provide the mass.
    I live in Sydney Australia down under, we are ahead of your time in northern europe. I attend on line mass at 7pm Sydney time. It suit me best.

  24. Mbabazi Gakumba Cissy says:

    I would like to always access online live catholic mass.

  25. Katie says:

    Do you have to watch the masses LIVE? For example, if we want to watch the Pope say Easter mass on Sunday, we would have to get up at 2AM our time. Will that be recorded or re-aired at another time on Sunday?

    • admin says:

      Many people want to watch Holly Mass live, like ordinary Mass. But we put also recorded masses in calendar.

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